Keller ISD Families For Public Education

Advocacy and support for educators, families, and students


We are working for strong public schools with taxpayer money going toward school resources, smaller class sizes and equitable educator pay. We believe all of our families should be valued and welcomed in our schools.


We believe in hiring educators who are skilled in their fields and have the training to work with students. We believe in supporting their development and trusting their professional judgment, not micromanaging their jobs which makes their work more difficult, or scapegoating them for political gain. We believe in spending district funds uplifting them, not on using political law firms to waste funds that should be spent on them or resources for their classrooms.


We believe that all students should be valued and treated kindly. We want all students to feel that they have support and are valued in their classrooms, schools, and by the district administration and trustees. Our community is made up of families with a variety of beliefs and they should all be treated with respect and have a place in our schools.

About us

We created Keller ISD Families for Public Education, 501c4 a non-profit, to provide support and advocacy for public schools including all students and staff. We plan to use all funds donated for this mission. Our board does not accept any payment or compensation for our work and 100% of funds donated go toward our mission.  We do not have any staff, everyone helping us is doing so as a volunteer because they believe in the benefits of public education for all. If you would like to find out more about what has been happening in our schools, please visit our Facebook page here


We are not a PAC, we’re a non-profit, so we will use the money we raise for grants and scholarships in addition to advocacy which is all based on local feedback from our diverse community of students, staff, and families of various backgrounds and beliefs.

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